17th Nov 09
Good morning to our surfing friends tuning into the baliwaves.com for todays news on surfing and weather conditions here on everybody’s favourite surfing holiday island destination of Bali. And we can all thank Hendra and his Team down at Uluwatu for todays photos.
Ok so I was back down on the beach at 7.30Am this morning to find wave height to have backed off a touch, after yesterday afternoons little spike in size. Right now between Kuta Reef and Airport Left there are still waves breaking in the waist to chest high class with the ooccassional head high set wave hiting Middle Reef. Kuta Reef had maybe a dozen surfers on it but small waves in the knee to waist high area. Middle Reef had the most swell and the most surfers with close to 20 out there. Airport Left had the odd chest high set wave and will be the best of the big 3 when the expected 10.00AM High Tide fills in.
Surfing conditions this morning are clean enough even though wind direction is light on-shore coming out of the NW @ 2-4knot.
Tidal info for today is calling in a 1.9mtr High @ 10.00AM and then running back out for a 0.6mtr Low around 4.00PM. Today also see’s a New Moon rising so we can expect some good tidal differences between the high and low over the next few days.
Looking for a wave out there this morning I’d be heading over to the East Coast to find the cleaner off-shore wind and anywhere between Green Bowls to Nusa Dua would be worth a look. And then further up the coast between Lembeng and Keramas fo the goods.
Weather wise we’ve got another very hot and humid day coming on for all the beach lovers. Mainly blue sky with some cloud. Currently the temperature is sitting on 27 degree’s Celsius @ 9.45AM. Heading for a maximum of around 33 degree’s Celsius.
Swell Forecast; I just had a quick look at the situation last night and it looks like wave height will be remaining in the 1-3ft+ range (depending on location) over the next week.
If it’s clean safe and friendly accommodation here in Tuban only 300mtrs back from the Outer Reefs, including A/C, hot water, refridgerator & TV for US$15.00 (Rp150,000) per night (single) or US$18.00 (Rp180,000) for a couple and US$25.00 (Rp250,000) twin share. Then drop me an email but usually we do need a few weeks notice.
We are also now sending out brief random surf reports and ravings through Twitter mobile phone service so sign up today !
Changing Dollars to Rupiah on the streets of Kuta you’ll find that –1AU$=Rp8,700 — 1US$=9,300 — (give or take a few Rupiah depending on vendor). How’s that Aussie Dollar hey, looks like they are shaking it off.
Ok folks thanks again for dropping into the one and only original Bali surf report since ’99
Best Regards
hey Slim, the new photo management app is awesome! Great job
Hey Slim,
wow that didn’t take long…!!!
thanks for listening to my comment about the pics.
It wasn’t meant to be in a bad way, just to improve the site and pics are WAY WAY WAY easier to view as it doesn’t refresh the whole screen.
nice work mate and keep the photo’s comming, just makes me want to be on the bukit on holidays every day of the week!!
cheers and have a great day.
Kind Regards