2nd – 3rd November 2011
Hi crew and welcome back to the baliwaves ’99 to see what’s going down on your favorite tropical island holiday destination of Bali.
Well I reckon that anyone complaining about the lack of swell we have had for at least the last 11 days or so obviously wasn’t here for the pretty much non stop perfect waves we had over the last three and a half months. Not a bad deal really, and we all know it’ll be on again soon enough.
Needless to say that yesterday was about as small as it gets before actually being flat. I managed to get a glimpse from Kuta Reef all the way down to off Padang Padang. I was out chasing some Golden Trevelly and Bonito with a friend, no waves but plenty of surface feeding fish at the moment. The Outer Reefs here in Tuban had six inch waves lapping onto the reef. Dreamland and Bingin were waveless, so was Impossible’s and Padang Padang. There were surfers in the water at Balangan but I didn’t see any waves break. Down in the distance I could see at least waist to maybe chest high freak sets breaking on Uluwatu.
This morning it’s a carbon copy on the Outer Reefs with only micro waves between Kuta Reef and Airport Left. And with the tide still running out for a 0.5mtr Low @ 9.00Am it’s not likely to get any better. Surfing conditions were clean and glassy with the wind light on shore out of the South West @ 1-2knot.
Here’s a few photos that I’ve snapped over the last 3 days while enjoying my other favorite activity on the Ocean, fishing. My fishing buddy and I haven’t done too bad I suppose, missing out on 3rd place in the Kuta Beach Fishing Tournament by only a few points. Then two days straight of getting into some thick schools of Bonito and Golden Trevelly. And it’s no over yet, as soon as this is on line I’ll be re sharpening some hooks and re fuelling the tank for some more action later.
The next High Tide will be of 1.7mtrs around the 3.00PM mark.
Weather wise we have an overcast sky and the very possible chance of some rain at some point in time today. Temperature wise right now at 8.15AM we have 27 degree’s Celsius and Humidity of 74%. Wind direction is Sout West @ 1-2knot+.
Ok have a good one and don’t give up, before ya know it it’ll be going off again here in Bali.
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have 4 “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. All rooms are air conditioned with hot and cold water shower, cable TV, including breakfast for Rp200,000 per night, or Rp300,000 for couples . Surfers need apply.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incidental.
Looks like a great fishing tournament was had by all,and some decent bags caught.I see the Tuban Team of Ondel and Jimmy were amongst it.Well done guys and big Hallos to you both.Hope the Spainiards are hookin up soon.
I saw fishes, our surf reporter is a real fisherman as well. Thank’s again for this nice report. I wish you some fishes spot on your next sailing out and good bag of biggest ones.