5th May 2012
Howdy folks and welcome to the weekend here on the baliwaves (since ’99) for the very latest news on surfing and weather conditions, plus plus. From right here on the only sane choice for your next tropical surfing holiday, BALI.
This morning I didn’t get a chance to check surfing conditions here on the Outer reefs of Tuban. As we were on the highway heading for Canggu by 6.30AM. And as it shows in today’s 47 strong photo gallery we had made the right choice in locations. Arriving not long after 7.00AM to find around 30 surfers in the water from the left hand reef, down through the sandbar and on the right hander. Surfing conditions were perfect with an incoming tide and a clean off-shore NE wind. Well clean off-shore though until 10.00AM when the SE Trade wind kicked in anyway. By this time the crowd of 30 had grown to somewhere in the mid 60’s.
With all the talk, and action of cleaning up Bali’s beach’s we were pretty appalled by the amount of international’s walking their dogs and just letting their doggies take a doggy crap along the beach at Canggu. Then half an hour later some more Internationals came along riding their horses dropping horsey crap everywhere. This all went down on the beach in front of the main surfing area, and not a one stopped to clean up their disgusting mess, what gives. Don’t get me wrong I sincerely love animals, but I think no one, local or tourist wants to step in their crap.
Today’s Tidal info had a 2.4mtr High @ 10.00Am and then will bottom out to a 0.2mtr Low around the 4.00PM mark.
Weather wise it’s been part sunny and partly cloudy through most of today. Currently right now @ 5.30PM we have an outside temperature of 27 degree’s Celsius. Wind direction is E-SE @ 12-14knot+.
Today’s G-Land surf report courtesy of our good friends at the G-Land Surf Camp was calling wave height to be in the perfect over head to almost double over head range from Kongs all the way down to the bottom end of Money Tree’s. Not 1 surfer in the water at the time of this report (9.00AM). If you want to sample of some of the most perfect waves Indonesia has on offer (besides Bali of course) drop us a line and I’ll help you get over their with a little extra money back in your pocket.
This mornings sms surf report from Aaron of the famous Columbia Apartments located right in front of the famous Super Bank was calling wave height to be peeling off both left and right in the shoulder to head high plus class. 30 surfers in the water at thime it came through. Aaron has also sent us through a batch of photos from Balian he’s shot over the last 2 days, so as soon as I get a minute I’ll throw them up in our Readers Report section.
Ok time for a quick break and maybe even some dinner, tomorrow (Sunday) we’ll be taking a day pass and going fishing with our Balinese friends. But back in time for some new swell early next week so stay tuned to Bali’s original surf report.
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have a few “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. all rooms are air conditioned, including breakfast for Rp225,000 per night, or Rp275,000 for couples. Plus 1 room that’s fan cooled for Rp150,00 per night. Surfers need to apply, party animals head for Kuta.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incidental.
Problem isn’t dog or horse shit, it’s medical slurry, toxic ink chemicals and raw sewage coming from the rivers. Don’t get me started on the plastic issue.
Anyway, you know what I mean and have the platform here to call it as it is — hot chicks and their dogs aint the problem.
Hi Jon, thanks for your valuable feed back, I do agree and I also hate plastic !!! I also hate domestic visitors to the beach who can’t walk 10 paces and put their lunch / dinner wrappings in the provided waste collectors. I/m no expert on rubbish, but I have learn’t to put my rubbish in the bins etc or take it back home with me as I’m sure most westerners (99%) also do. But to any new international visitor to Bali the most obvious turn off is the “visible rubbish” everywhere they look or step. So before we address the invisible toxins and chemicals etc that we can’t see how about we work on the visible element. I know down in Australia there are heavy penalties for letting your animal defecate on any public beach. eg: what, to the average person is more offensive, a plastic bag on the beach or a big pile of dog sh$t ?
Was fishing offshore in Darwin three years ago. Smokers were forbidden from throwing ther butts in the water. Now that’s what I’m talking about.
Slim you raise a great point: education
The visible element is not the cause, though it may be the impetus, finally, for change. Visible rubbish isn’t coming from the people having lunch on the beach. Beside what you see on the sand, imagine the volume you cannot see flowing through the sea, distributed by tributaries and rivers?
With such verdant soil, Balinese are experts on irrigation and the flow of water (agriculture). Also unique is the spiritual channels of north/south (also = good/bad). For Westerners, this cultural ‘feng shui’ if you will isn’t even known.
So from both sides, Balinese/Western there needs awareness of the actual cause and not just a superficial gut feeling of ‘what you can see’. It’s more profound than that, and I have a fear that a dichotomy between understanding may start some bad trends.
I say, raise a fund for being able to do tests so we can get scientific, empirical evidence. Do studies. Raise factual awareness. Educate.
Otherwise people can talk shit (so to speak) all day.
What has more impact: regulations on a mining company in Darwin dumping waste into the ocean, or a fleet of fishermen tossing cig butts?
Even if every single fishermen disposed of his cigs in the ocean it surely be miniscule compared to the unregulated corporations dump.
Look at the bigger picture, not what ‘feels right’. Protect the environment not by yelling at fishermen, but yelling at your local politicians.
Question everything.
I agree. It may be miniscule, but it shows that some Australans are starting to think about the environment. Take Ausralias carbon tax. Many Australians believe that our stance will have very little impact overall, but from an acorn a massive oak tree will grow. Hopefully.
sorry everyone but my point is not as deep as your going, Bali = Tourism,
rubbish etc etc on beach
my two bobs worth would be to educate the young,the rubbish factor would have to be a generational change there is no instant fix!! so if all this rubbish is getting washed into the ocean where is it coming from?? upstream?? so if we can educate the young eventually problem solved!! but in whose lifetime ours?? but if it got that bad that the tourism falted(which it isnt,just look at the amount of surfers here) i bet that would promote a quicker change in attitudes ( as the mighty dollars rule!!) and get the local government of their arse!!
ABOUT WATER TESTING CAREFUL,if the local gov got wind of it it would be bye bye buddy nice idea though!! i have driven from one end of java to the other and cannot recall how many creeks and streams that looked quite clean ?? no offense to anyone on this post or on this island as i as and any other surfer worth his salt would understand that there is no easyway out of this prediciment bali faces. but as we love the place an people ect what can we do??
Yeah MH, no chance of a “quick fix” that’s just pure dreaming of course bro.
The rubbish on the beach scene on Canggu for example and many other beaches is purely dumped rubbish which is left behind from visiting Domestic Indonesian visitors to Bali., Simply eating their lunch / dinner etc and then just dropping the wrappings, not too mention domestic animals taking a crap on the beach. Where I hang out at Canggu there are two garbage collection bins within 10 feet either side of me. But the rubbish on the ground between these two “bins” is thick and fresh every time I’m there.
I don’t even want to go near water testing…… I know down in Australia after heavy rainfall a lot of Sydney beaches get totally closed off to the public until certain toxic levels subside again.
I have seen local advertisements on the TV for quite a few years now promoting kids to put rubbish in the bins, just like they ran in Oz when I was a kid. People are becoming aware and there are organizations here in Bali on the job working at helping to clean and to keep clean Bali’s once pristine and pre plastic beautiful beaches.
What we have to do is just play our part and “DO THE RIGHT THING & PUT IT IN THE BIN”
yeah the domestic problem
well i am sure if i was sitting there it is not beyond my attitude to politely ask them to pick it up or tune up the local boys to the fact that these people are affectting their beach!! but remmeber also some of the places i surf at the local creeks are the rubbish dump SO GO FIGURE?? MAYBE get some of the local hot surfers to help in this as all kids need and look up to good role models as i am sure these guys could be??
,as with most things for people from western countries if a dog craps on a beach and does not get picked up it can result in a fine??
so why not bring that attitude with them here?/ strange ay? maybe because they can they do it?? after all we are just passing guestS to this island!! it doesnt give them the right to act in this way??( i am a dog lover mate had em all me life) mate if i was at home in aust i would just throw it at the repeat offenders but the locals sometimes are just to nice to us westerners!! LOL because if i was born here the shit would hit the fan!!!!! LOL BUT THAT IS NOT MY POSITION HERE AS A TOURIST TO THE LOVELY ISLAND OF BALI!!!! today was a strange day of chasing waves 11/05/2012 swell direction is a weird one!! winds funky!!
Better eat a pinaple with hot sauce or a fruit in front of the spot because it’s so good rather than drop a rubbish paper of industrial food anyhow in a tin. That give to Balinese people a clean job.
Have fun.