28th Jan – 2nd Feb 2013
Hello travellers and thanks for dropping by the (since 1999) for Ketut’s up date on surfing and weather conditons from your first choice tropical sirfing holiday destination of BALI.
Well here I am sitting on the East Coast of Oz and weather wise it would probably be much nicer out on the Grand Banks. But there has been a few days of good solid waves all along this part of the coast. The last couple of days here the weather has been crap thanks to a howling Southerly wind and constant rain.
Firstly here’s a collection of 90 odd photos Ketut shot over on the East Coast of Bali that cover the last few days. And it looks like there’s been more consistent fun sized waves happening for the lucky boys and girls in Bali.
Lewis has called through this morning to say that he had a nice view watching the fishermen getting their acts together while he was drinking some coffee on the beach in front of the Outer Reefs in Tuban. At 6.40AM Lewis was calling a clear sky and glassy knee to waist high waves with the occasional bigger freak sets hitting Middle’s.
The last I heard from Ketut was that he was shooting waves somewhere along the West Coast this morning, We’ll just have to wait for him to send us through the photos, he said said something about waist to head high waves and off shore wind just before the line went dead.
I do know the next tide in Bali today will be a 2.2mtr High around 2 o’clock this atfernoon.
Good news for me is that everything is in position for me to get my ear drilled out in just a few more days, fingers crossed everything stays on track. Ok so have a good one and see you back here soon at the original Bali surf report.
Business / Bali lifestyle opportunity available; furnished 13 room / bungalow hotel with restaurant over looking one of Bali’s very popular all year round surfing locations. 5-10yr contract available, all paper work taken care of. Contact me if your seriously interested. AU$17,000. per year with 12 months advertising space on included !
This hotel would make a perfect Surf Camp.
Special Bali ACCOMMODATION / SURFING DEAL: Just for the remainder of this month we are offering you a FAN COOLED ROOM FOR JUST AU$10.00 a night (single occupant) or AIR CONDITIONED ROOM WITH BREAKFAST for only AU$20.00 a night (single occupant). or AIR CONDITIONED ROOM including BREAKFAST + DAILY SURF TRIPS all around Bali for AU$55.00 per day per person INCLUDING ALL YOUR SURFING PHOTOS !!! Limited space and limited time so get in first and contact us right now !
Here’s some more internal links on baliwaves worth checking out for those who haven’t already had a good search through this giant sized website
This link will keep you busy for months !!!!
You’ll also find baliwaves on Facebook, twitter (balisurfreport or baliwaves) & instagram (@baliwaves) so get on it !
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, divorce, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic, Bali belly or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incident