The Real Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Oct. 20th surf report. Our next-to-the-last trip ended today. The guys got a nice swell a few days ago. Hideaways was good with some big, glassy sets coming in. That session paid for the trip for some of our guests. It's been slowly dropping ever since, but we have gotten plenty of fun sized waves at Nipusi, Beng Beng, … [Read more...]
The Real Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands 1st October 2012
The Real Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Oct 1st surf report People ask me every trip if I think Rifles will break. Because of the wind conditions the last couple of months, my answer has been, "little chance", "no chance", and "in your dreams"! I figured the same for this trip, but mother nature had different plans. Our little south swell was hanging in there this … [Read more...]
The Real Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands 16th June 2012
The Real Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands June 16th surf report Unfortunately, our guests had to leave unexpectedly early this morning so they couldn't take full advantage of the south swell that had been filling in since last night. They got a few waves first thing in the morning and they were stoked, but we wish they could have stayed longer. So the crew here had to … [Read more...]
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands surf up date
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Nov. 4th surf report. The off season seems to have come a little early and waves have been small so far with this latest group, but we have been having fun. We've been surfing Burgerworld a lot. Beng Beng was also fun one day, Bankvaults and Nipusi were alright a couple of days, and there is always 4 Bobs and the waves around the resort. … [Read more...]
Kandui Resort (the real one) Mentawai Islands up date
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Oct 29th surf report. Our latest group left today. Thanks to Brad for writing the surf reports for us. This crew started the trip catching the tail end of that epic, mid October run of good surf. The second half of the trip was spent doing a lot of Bugerworld runs with a few solo sessions at lesser know spots mixed in. All in all, the … [Read more...]
More Mentawai photos, Kandui Resort
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Oct 27th surf report by Brad Maker. It's funny how after those first few frothing days everyone slips into an easy routine. This place is so good for that, and I'm sure everyone who's been here knows what I'm talking about: couple of cups of joe, huge breakfast (new this year is a menu ticket where you check off all the things that you … [Read more...]
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands, photo up date
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Friday, Oct 21st surf report Justice went with the first boat to Bankvaults/Nipussi. Ray stayed behind, planning to hang out with the second boatload of goofy foots at the mellower breaks. But when we dropped off a couple of late risers at glassy, slightly overhead, barreling Bankvaults, Ray started to get the shakes. It was totally … [Read more...]
Small waves and hot days in Bali, 26th-27th October 2011
26th - 27th October 2011 ****MORNING SURF UP DATE**** Hello everyone and a big thank you for calling into the baliwaves '99 for the latest news on today's surfing and weather conditions from here on the tropical holiday destination of surf, sun and fun. Well you never missed out on much yesterday as wave height here on the Outer Reefs was in the ankle to knee high range … [Read more...]
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands photo up date.
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands Oct 18th surf report. It was transfer day today, and this report is for all those that had to go home this morning while the swell was forecast to be peaking. That's always a tough pill to swallow, but I'm happy to tell you that you didn't miss much. It was big, to be sure, but it was also kind of wild with funky winds. There were a … [Read more...]
Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands, photo up date
Here's more from what the crew staying at Kandui Resort have been scoring ! I've got a heap more still to get through so hang in there Slim … [Read more...]
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