29th – 30th April 2012
Hello surfers and a very big thank you for taking the time out to stop by the baliwaves.com (since’99) to catch up on what’s been happening here on your first choice tropical surfing holiday destination of Bali.
I’m just going to start off from yesterday, Sunday the 29th as our day was full with the Balinese community here in Tuban sending off our dear friend on his final journey on the 28th. And I must say there were thousands upon thousands of Gede’s friends and family turning up for his final ceremony with Kartika Plaza street (blocked off to all traffic) full from one end to the other.
This current batch of photos, only a token 78 in total were shot down at Bali’s Premier surfing location of Uluwatu yesterday. I’m just going to let you check them out as I haven’t even begun to download today’s hundreds more photos from today yet (currently 6.45PM here in Bali). These new one’s I’ll be showing you tomorrow while we are back out there gathering more Bali waves for ya’s to reminis or drool over. So make sure you stay in touch with the Bali you know right here on the Premier Bali surfing website.
Just a quick one on a touchy subject, while my Balinese friends and I taking care of our dear friends final moments on this Earth I was being bombarded with abuse from a fellow named Richard (Rich) Briggs who calls himself a Hawaiian. Claiming that baliwaves.com and myself are just here in Bali to “leach the Balinese dry of all their wealth” plus some pretty nasty comments about my Balinese family…. Rich, if you only knew that I live in a rented house (on credit from some of my local friends) renting on credit a car, not with thousands of dollars to spend at my leisure and living as close to the Balinese as I can (being a full religious member of my Balinese Banjar). Everything I own Rich is from my own hands and my own brain. Rich I’m sure you have a brain, but I don’t think you have learnt how to use it properly yet.
Ok sorry about this last paragraph, just letting you good folk know what I have to put up with, usually at the start of every “dry season” by at least one sour hearted expat of some description.
Stay tuned if you want to keep in touch with Bali, right here on the baliwaves.
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have a few “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. all rooms are air conditioned, including breakfast for Rp225,000 per night, or Rp275,000 for couples. Plus 1 room that’s fan cooled for Rp150,00 per night. Surfers need to apply, party animals head for Kuta.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incidental.
Hey Slim, you don’t have to respond to criticism of your actions, let your actions do the talking. For every one critic there are dozens who are grateful for the service that Baliwaves provides… What you do is work and you deserve to be able to make a living at it.
I’m with Doc on this. Can’t do without Baliwaves. 4 grateful fans here. Love to the family x
Hey Slim,
Many have no idea whats involved in living here… this ignorant and arrogant person your referring to will obviously experience their karmic balance very soon!
Especially at a ceremony…that’s enough to get the blood boiling over for sure mate!
Don’t waste your energy on those that don’t deserve it and rock on bro…
Onya Slim,
You’re a legend mate, thanks for making my bali stoke last until the next trip. EVERY DAY!! Longing for indo perfection soon.
Slim One Word.. Karma!…. Love Your Work..Re the Haole — Jangan Kuatir… Belog Pesan/Nas Klang Itu will get his just rewards…
sorry to hear that mate,it is unbelievable what some expats come up with at times on this island. he must be the only bloke on this island who did not get a root last nite on the island!!!LOL remember we are all just tourist not matter how long we have been here!!
Yeah I’m with ya MH, I kinda expect some un educated crap from at least 1 disillusioned expat with a per-versed sense of reality at this time of the year every year. It was just bad timing with the death of one of my best friends I’ve ever had the honor of rolling with.
And I also gotta apologize for the amount of bull shit spam comments that this page is getting slammed with. As far as I know the Balinese have a family system that cares for their community members, I’ve never seen or heard of a Balinese family giving away children to strangers 🙁