BALI 15th June 2013 OAKLEY BALI PRO TRIALS Day 2 Another hell for leather exhibition of surfing went down yesterday up at Canggu on Day 2 of the Oakley Pro Bali Trials. Once again more nice competition style waves were coming through consistently on the right hand river mouth break in the chest to well over head high range. Surfing conditions were clean and glassy but … [Read more...]
West Coast to East Coast Bali, 25th November 2012
BALI 25th November 2012 G'day everyone and thanks for dropping by the (Bali's original surf report since 1999) for today's Sunday session on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the only sane choice for your next tropical surfing holiday, BALI. Ok so we hit the road this morning around 7.15AM with our first stop calling in for a surf check on … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs of Tuban, Balangan & Uluwatu, 7th November 2012
BALI 7th November 2012 Hello folks and thanks for calling back by the (keeping it real since 1999) for today's news and views on surfing and weather conditions from here on the No.1 tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI. We were up early again this morning and making our way down to the southern end of the island by 6.00AM. Arriving at our first surf … [Read more...]
Light and variable at Uluwatu, 8th September 2012
8th Sept 2012 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP DATE**** Howdy folks and thanks for dropping by the (Bali's original surf report since 1999) for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions from right here on your favorite tropical surfing holiday island of BALI. Well I hoped you liked the G-Land "Put up or shut up" expression session that went down on the 7th, hot … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs of Tuban, Balangan & G-Land, 27th July 2012
27th July 2012 ****EVENING SURF UP DATE**** Hello everyone, thanks for tuning into the (since 1999) and sorry to keep ya's all waiting for today's news on surfing and weather conditions from here on the best value for tropical surfing holiday dollar of BALI. We kicked off our day with a 6.45AM surf check on the Outer Reefs here in Tuban to find wave height … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs of Tuban to Padma St Legian, 14th July 2012
14th July 2012 ****MIDDAY SURF UP DATE**** Hello surfers and thanks for stopping by the (since 1999) to see what's going down surf and weather wise right here on the with out a doubt best value for tropical surfing holiday dollar, BALI. Well as predicted by the swell predicting guns of Stormsurf, wave height is still only trickling through on the Outer Reefs. … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs, Uluwatu & G-Land, 11th July 2012
11th July 2012 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP DATE**** Howdy folks and thanks for dropping into the ('99) for today's news and views on surfing and weather conditions here on the best value for tropical surfing holiday dollar of BALI. Ok so we are now starting to get back on track with the photos (over) flowing from G-Land, Mentawai Islands and of course from here on … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs, Uluwatu, Canggu to G-Land, 24th -30th June 2012
24th - 30th June 2012 ****MORNING SURF UP DATE**** Hello everyone ! and thanks for dropping by the (since 1999) to see where the heck Slim has been and where's the latest news on surfing and weather conditions from your favorite surfing holiday destination of BALI. Ok well I flew out of Bali on the 24th heading for Australia and hopefully having an ear … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs, Bingin, Beachies & G-Land, 22nd June 2012
22nd June 2012 ****MORNING SURF UP DATE**** Good morning people and thanks again for dropping into the (since 1999) for the very latest news on surfing and weather conditions from here on your first choice tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI. Just to finish off this week with a bang what we have is a short selection of some of the sickest tube rides … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs, Bingin & G-Land, 17th June 2012
17th June 2012 ****MIDDAY SURF UP DATE**** Hello everyone and welcome back to the baliwaves (since 1999) for our Sunday Session on today's surfing and weather conditions from here on the always "in" season tropical surfing holiday island of Bali. Well here's a good photo gallery for ya's to help finish off another fine week of waves here in Bali. Thanks to Dave over at … [Read more...]
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