10th - 11th April 2010 ****MORNING SURF UP-DATE**** Hello crew and welcome back to the baliwaves for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions here on the tropical holiday island of Bali. Well thanks to our friends at Hendra Surf Photography for this latest addition of surfing photos that were taken down at Uluwatu yesterday afternoon. It was a pretty weird day … [Read more...]
Swell showing at Uluwatu this arvo
9th April 2010 ****EVENING SURF UP-DATE**** Ok we've just had a late afternoon surf up-date from our friends at Hendra Surf Photography down at Uluwatu. Wave height has been increasing in size through out the late afternoon through sunset and is looking like a big day of surfing coming up for tomorrow. Enjoy some of these late arvo waves down at Uluwatu ? ****MORNING SURF … [Read more...]
Kuta Reef to Airport Left, 9th April 2010
9th April 2010 ****MORNING SURF UP-DATE**** Good morning folks and thanks for checking the baliwaves for todays news on surfing and weather conditions here on the happy little holiday island of Bali. And what a beautiful morning it's been here so far, weather wise at least. This mornings 7.00am check on the Outer Reefs here in Tuban was showing 1-2 footers or knee to waist … [Read more...]
Kuta Reef to Keramas, 7th-8th April 2010
8th April 2010 ****MORNING SURF UP-DATE**** Hi crew and thanks for stopping by the baliwaves, I also better apologize about my lack of internet the last couple of days. Hopefully everything should be back to normal by the time the next swell hits Bali. For now I gotta drag myself down to the internet cafe to get this stuff on line. Anyway this mornings surf check on the … [Read more...]
Oakley Pro, Canggu 4th April 2010
4th April 2010 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE**** Hello surfers and thanks for stopping by the baliwaves.com for another Sunday Session here on the with out a doubt best surfing holiday location called Bali. As ya's can see in todays photos I snapped we took another run back up to Canggu for Day 3 of the Oakley (Indo) Pro 6 star event. Arriving in the still empty car park @ … [Read more...]
Kuta Reef to Airport Left, 1st April 2010
1st April 2010 ****MIDDAY SURF UP-DATE**** Hi crew and thanks for dropping into the baliwaves.com for the very latest news on surfing and weather conditions here on the hottest surfing holiday destination on our planet. First up sorry about the brief report yesterday but I was pretty well bushed after 6hrs behind the lens and then another 4 infront of the monitor. But as … [Read more...]
East Coast Bali…31st March 2010
31st March 2010 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE**** Hello friends and thanks for hanging out for todays news on surfing and weather conditions here in the tude ride central station of Bali. Well today it sure was anyway. I can't really say too much about where the boys were surfing today except that there was some fricken perfect tudes to be ridden on the East Coast. Not the … [Read more...]
Canggu, 29th March 2010
29th March 2010 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE**** Howdy folks and thanks for sticking it out for todays news on surfing and weather conditions (not to mention another 50 odd photos) here on the happy little holiday island of Bali. This mornings 6.30am surf check on the Outer Reefs wasn't looking real good. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport Left only trickling through … [Read more...]
Kuta Reef to Uluwatu, 28th March 2010
28th March 2010 ****MORNING SURF UP-DATE**** Hello crew and welcome to our Sunday Session on the baliwaves, for the latest surfing and weather info not too mention all the other stuff we've got for you. Directly from the surfers choice holiday destination of Bali. And I'd also like to give the baliwaves a pat on the back for having loaded over 500 quality photos on the site … [Read more...]
Kuta Reef to Airport left, 27th march 2010
27th March 2010 ****MIDDAY SURF UP-DATE**** G'day folks and thanks for dropping into the baliwaves.com for todays run down on surfing and weather conditions here on the real surfers paradise holiday island of Bali. And a special hello to all the surfers in Malaysia tuning into the baliwaves today :) Bit late this morning as I had to duck out to Kuta Reef just to get wet... … [Read more...]
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