OAKLEY PRO BALI 26th - 27th June 2013 Hello everyone and cheers for stopping by the baliwaves.com (working through the weekends since 1999) for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the real "surfers paradise" tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI. Firstly a big hearty Congratulations to Joel "Parko" Parkinson for taking out the main … [Read more...]
Day 3 / Round 2 of the OAKLEY PRO BALI, 20th June 2013
BALI OAKLEY PRO BALI 20th June 2013 Day 3 Hello everyone and thanks again for dropping into the baliwaves today (the original Bali surf report since 1999) For the latest news on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the best value for tropical surfing holiday dollar venue of BALI. Ok so it was day 3 at the Oakley Pro Bali and Ketut and I were on site at … [Read more...]
Oakley Bali Pro Trials Day 3 and the winner is… Ony Onwar
BALI 17th June 2013 OAKLEY BALI PRO TRIALS Day 3 To the victor go the spoils; Ony Onwar No.1 Hello surfers and sorry with the late posts but we've been racking up some long hours, and I've always said better late than never. But what a day of surfing that went down at Keramas beach today. Only the final 7 events went down starting off in perfect little waves up to head … [Read more...]
Day 2 Oakley Pro Bali Trials 15th -16th June 2013
BALI 15th June 2013 OAKLEY BALI PRO TRIALS Day 2 Another hell for leather exhibition of surfing went down yesterday up at Canggu on Day 2 of the Oakley Pro Bali Trials. Once again more nice competition style waves were coming through consistently on the right hand river mouth break in the chest to well over head high range. Surfing conditions were clean and glassy but … [Read more...]
That’s what I’m talkin bout ! Uluwatu 13th June 2013
BALI 12th - 13th June 2013 Hello surfers and thanks for taking the time out to drop into the baliwaves.com (Bali's original surf report website since 1999) for the latest news and hands down best views on today's surfing and weather conditions from right here on your primary tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI. Ok ok, so yesterday was pretty well a wash out here … [Read more...]
Keramas to Uluwatu to Tuban, 1st – 3rd June 2013
BALI 1st - 3rd May 2013 Hello surfers and welcome back to your baliwaves.com ( keeping it real since 1999) for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the only sane choice for your next tropical surfing holiday BALI. Ok well lets get the weekend up to scratch and out of the way first. On Saturday the 1st of June my crew and I hit the road at … [Read more...]
ULUWATU to CANGGU, 19th – 20th May 2013
BALI 19th - 20th May 2013 Hi surfers and thanks for dropping into the baliwaves.com (the original Bali surf report since 1999) for the latest news and best views on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the best value for your hard earned tropical surfing holiday dollar destination of BALI. Yesterday the 19th and we were down on the bukit and Bali's premier … [Read more...]
O’Neill Freak of the Reef Challenge to Kick Off on June 28 in West Sumbawa, Indonesia
26 June 2012, Kuta-Bali: The O’Neill and Coca-Cola ISC crews have been busy preparing for the start of the inaugural O’Neill Freak of the Reef Challenge, which will take place during the three day period from June 28 to July 1st in West Sumbawa, Indonesia The six star Coca-Cola ISC sanctioned professional surfing competition will be drawing Indonesia’s top ranked surfers to … [Read more...]
Keramas, get it into ya ! 7th June 2012
7th June 2012 ****LATE SURF UP DATE**** Hello everybody and thanks big time for calling back by the baliwaves.com (leading the way since 1999) to see what's been going down surf and weather wise here on No.1 tropical surfing holiday destination, BALI. Our morning swell check here on the Outer Reefs of Tuban still had wave height showing in the waist to head high region … [Read more...]
Outer Reefs of Tuban +100, 5th October 2011
5th October 2011 ****MORNING SURF UP DATE**** Hello everyone and thanks for dropping into the baliwaves ('99) for today's "1 click" run down on surfing and weather conditions from right here on the with out a doubt best value for surfing holiday dollar destination of Bali. This mornings 7.30AM surf check on the Outer Reefs here in Tuban was looking like there was some nice … [Read more...]
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